Web Axe

"What is web accessibility?" Find an answer, along with plenty of tips and tools to cultivate the practice, on Web Axe. Formerly a podcast and blog, and now focused on the latter initiative, Web Axe is a great resource for anyone responsible for creating online content. Unfortunately, web accessibility has actually decreased in recent times, so it is more important than ever to design with accessibility in mind. Luckily, the wealth of ideas on this site are here to help. For example, readers will find an overview of Google Chrome and Chromium features that allow users to test the accessibility of their designs. Additionally, several posts highlight useful articles, studies, and materials about web accessibility, helping readers expand their trove of resources. Plus, readers in the digital accessibility field may benefit from the occasional job round-up posts, which highlight openings all over the world. Web Axe was founded by Dennis Lembree in 2005, and the podcast was co-hosted with Ross Johnson.


Accessibility Feature
Accessibility Hazard
Accessibility Control
Access Mode
Access Mode Sufficient


Date Of Record Release
May 12th, 2021 at 10:21am (W3C-DTF)
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