TIES Lessons for All: The 5-15-45 Tool

This resource from the TIES Center provides a tool that helps educators make instruction more inclusive for all, especially students with cognitive disabilities. The 5-15-45 tool provides three different timeframes to collaboratively plan for instruction both in-person and remotely. In the 5 minutes timeframe, educators identify the most important content and instructional strategies in a lesson. In the 15 minutes timeframe, instructors dig deeper into lesson design and think about implementing an instructional strategy to reduce barriers for students. In the 45 minutes timeframe, educators build their own skills and facilitate learning opportunities for all students. Each timeframe contains information on discussion guiding questions and success indicators. Videos are also included to elaborate on different timeframes and the tool more generally. Other resources from the TIES Center on inclusive education are also provided. 


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Date Of Record Release
June 16th, 2023 at 1:15pm (W3C-DTF)
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