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This resource was written by Sheryl Burgstahler, the founder of the DO-IT Center at University of Washington, and includes 20 tips on creating and teaching accessible online courses. Nine tips cover accessible technology and focus on course web pages, documents, images, and videos. Eleven tips cover instructional methods. This resource also...
This article discusses how Scott Vinkle did an experiment to explore the usability and accessibility of 3D models used in web content. Vinkle introduces 3D models, and discusses the barriers they present to users that rely on assistive technology when navigating the web, and defines a list of basic criterea to define an accessible 3D model. This...
This guide includes tips and insights from podcast hosts on the best ways to achieve accessibility in podcasts. Tips include providing transcripts and turning podcasts into a video format.
This webpage, made available by the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes, features a 1-page resource that provides an overview of Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act, the 1975 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, and the 1990 Americans with Disabilities Act. These laws, enacted in the United States, "work together to...
Produced by the Deaf/Hard of Hearing Technology Rehabilitation Engineering Research Center, this tip sheet discusses ways in which to make Zoom or other Virtual Meetings more accessible for individuals who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. It covers accommodations for groups of various sizes, meetings involving all Deaf participants, as well as mixed...
This tip sheet, published by the Internet Scout Research Group, provides guidance for employers on making their workplaces more accessible for blind and low vision employees. The article is divided into three areas: accommodations, safety, and additional resources. Assistive technology, braille, guide animals, and more are highlighted.
This web page, from the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes, provides a 12-page guide on assistive listening systems. This guide includes an overview of personal implication devices, assistive listening systems, institutional and student responsibility for equipment, law requirements, types of listening systems, tips for faculty and...
This webpage, from the National Deaf Center on Post Secondary Outcomes, provides a 2-page tip sheet that provides information about assistive listening devices and their use in the classroom. This tip sheet includes an overview and discusses the following questions: What are assistive listening systems, What is a telecoil, What are the different...
This DeafTEC webpage provides best teaching strategies, based on Universal Design for instructors teaching in a mainstreamed classroom with a mix of hearing, deaf, and hard-of-hearing students. The goal of these strategies is to improve teaching practice that will provide greater access to learning for deaf and hard-of-hearing students but will...
This webpage, from the National Deaf Center on Postsecondary Outcomes, provides a 2-page tip sheet about cochlear implants. A brief overview is included and the following questions are discussed: how do cochlear implants (CI) work, what are the parts of a CI, how does a CI produce sound, and what accommodations will a person with CIs need? A list...
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