From Burnout to Demoralization: The Perfect Storm That is Raining Resignation
Almost 2 years into a global pandemic, we are burned out on the term ‘burnout’; it doesn’t accurately capture the stark erosion of morale in our profession. A perfect storm of turbulence factors have us swirling: a widening gap in college readiness and resilience skills for students coming from high school; increasingly demanding parents and complicated, customized accommodation requests; rising costs and the consumerization of ‘the college experience’; understaffed and under-resourced offices trying to do more with less as we pivot and flex – all set against a backdrop of political unrest, social discord, and a high-anxiety pandemic that drove us to shared isolation. By “claiming our crisis” and more accurately naming our response – demoralization – we will explore how we can wield new tools to restore some balance and satisfaction back to the important work we do.