Revisiting the Kallikaks: A Conversation with Good Blood, Bad Blood Author Michael Wehmeyer
Good Blood, Bad Blood is a landmark publication in the history of the treatment of people with disabilities in this country. Written in a compelling narrative style, it tells the story of the impact of the American eugenics movement. Good Blood, Bad Blood tells the true story of the impact on the woman in Goddard’s book, who had been given the pseudonym Deborah Kallikak, and who became the poster child for the cultural fear generated by American eugenicists, such as Charles Benedict Davenport. They, in turn, provided the Nazi regime with the “evidence” to take the eugenic horror to its ultimate conclusion.
In anticipation of the second edition's release as well as in memoriam co-author J. David Smith, AAIDD is hosting a webinar with co-author Michael Wehmeyer in which he will discuss the inspiration, creation, and impact of this essential piece of literature in the field of IDD.
- Webinar