Using Business Process Improvement Strategies to Customize Employment Opportunities

Customizing jobs is really about process improvement. The Lean process is a business methodology that helps companies eliminate “waste” from the day-to-day operations of the business and focus on delivering value to customers. Customized employment is a strategy that identifies the passions and interests of a job seeker with a disability to identify and develop employment opportunities tailored to the individual while adding value to the business. Using Lean strategies, it is possible to match job seekers with businesses by creating unique opportunities for process improvement while focusing on individual interests and skills. This session will discuss the components and essential elements of customized employment connecting them to the Lean process. Examples of Customized Employment successes will be shared.

Participants will be able to:

  • Identify the difference between job placement and job development
  • Identify strategies to customize employment opportunities for job seekers using the Lean process improvement process
  • Identify how the Lean process improvement principles align with customized employment
  • Learn how customized employment strategies can be implemented through examples
