April 2024


Accessibility for Inclusion versus Compliance and the Impact on the User Experience

In this webinar, presenters demonstrate how a website that passes WAVE with 0 errors can still have challenges when navigated by an experienced screen reader user. We discuss why it is essential to design for the user experience of a person with a disability and not just work for compliance.


2024 CUNY Neurodiversity Conference

As part of CUNY’s leading role in the movement to provide expanded access and services to neurodivergent students in higher education, CUNY Disability Programs, part of the Central Office of Student Inclusion, is hosting the 6th CUNY Neurodiversity Conference on April 5th and April 19th.

Stakeholders in the field are invited to share research, programming, stories and experiential opportunities that address and support mental health as it relates to neurodiversity. The conference will be a safer space for individuals and organizations to share, explore, and reflect on strategies and best practices for addressing mental health.

The 6th CUNY Neurodiversity Conference will celebrate neurodivergent creative expression. The conference will be held in a hybrid format, with virtual sessions being hosted on Friday, April 5, and in-person sessions taking place on Friday, April 19.


Disability Policy Seminar

(3 days) The Westin Washington, DC Downtown Hotel999 9th St NWWashingtonDC20001

The Disability Policy Seminar offers the opportunity for passionate advocates, self-advocates, experts, and professionals in the field to come together and learn about key federal issues that affect them most. After a wide range of sessions offering training and learning, participants will learn how to best engage with their members of Congress and will be given opportunities to do so. The Arc co-hosts this conference with several other national disability organizations.


Developing Talents with Dr. Temple Grandin

Who knows better about developing the talents of those with autism than Temple Grandin?

In this candid talk, Dr. Grandin explains how many of the unique characteristics of individuals on the autism spectrum lend themselves well to entrepreneurial ventures.

Based on her newly updated book, “Developing Talents”, Temple gives specific examples of making a career choice, going after it, and doing your best to succeed.

Viewer will learn:

  • Practical how-to’s and step-by-step instructions for making it through the maze of choosing a career.
  • Concrete help for adolescents and young adults preparing for the adult world of work.
  • Specific examples of real people with AS in their careers


Effective Communication and the ADA

Per the ADA people with disabilities have the right to participate in all programs, services, and activities, but sometimes people with disabilities need an auxiliary aid to participate in a program or service. For communication to be effective, people with disabilities must be provided with information in a format that they can understand. This workshop will talk through what it means to provide effective communication with examples.


Accommodating Employees with Diverse Cognitive and Neurological Needs

The Job Accommodation Network (JAN) is hosting an upcoming webinar exploring complex accommodation scenarios in the workplace. Accommodating employees with cognitive and neurological disabilities, such as mental health conditions, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder, brain injury, and seizure disorders, in the workplace may pose unique considerations that do not exist with other disabilities, as the need for accommodations may not always be apparent. Participants will gain insights into applying performance standards, ensuring workplace safety, and preserving confidentiality, with a focus on fostering an inclusive environment for individuals with diverse cognitive and neurological needs. Effective solutions for maintaining a productive workforce will also be explored throughout the session.


It’s About Time, Part I: Scrutinizing the Extra Time for Assignments Accommodation

Over the past few years, it seems there has been an increase in the number of disabled students coming to disability offices with a history of having received “extra time for assignments” as an accommodation. Students who seek this accommodation are often either students with disabilities affecting focus or reading, including ADHD, LD, Autism, and TBI, or students with chronic health conditions who may miss assignment deadlines due to an exacerbation of their condition. Many received this accommodation in high school and expect it to continue in postsecondary education. However, is this accommodation always reasonable in college settings? This webinar will broadly explore when this accommodation is--and is not--reasonable, relative to our institutional responsibilities of equal access, equal opportunity, and nondiscrimination. It will also touch on the college’s significant obligations to work with faculty and students to implement it, when it is approved. This is the first of a two-part series: the second webinar will include a panel of disability professionals from a variety of school types and office sizes describing how they evaluate and implement accommodations that require interaction with faculty.


It’s About Time, Part II: A Panel Discussion About Requests for Extra Time for Assignments

This webinar offers an opportunity to hear from disability professionals from a variety of school types and office sizes describing how they evaluate and implement accommodations that require interaction with faculty. When offices have to say no to students who request this accommodation, how do they do it? What other accommodations or supports may be offered to those students? When the accommodation is approved, how is the communication structured? How do understaffed offices find the time for required negotiation with faculty? Are there templates or tricks to help facilitate and expedite the work? Join this conversation to hear how other offices are handling this complicated issue. This webinar will be two hours long, to allow plenty of time for discussion and Q&A.


How to Tell a Student No: Maintaining Empathy, Firmness, and Clarity in a Difficult Discuss

Denying a student's request for a particular accommodation can be hard. This webinar will offer practical guidance regarding the process you should undertake before saying "no" to a request, how to word your response to the student, holding firm in the face of push-back from students and parents, and best practices for documenting your decision and communications. Whether you are in a one-person office or a large office setting, this webinar will offer helpful advice for navigating this sometimes sticky situation with sensitivity for the student's position and understanding of your role in the accommodations process.

