Disability Policy Seminar
(3 days) The Westin Hotel Downtown999 9th St NWWashingtonDC20001
The Disability Policy Seminar is the premier opportunity to cultivate support on Capitol Hill and amplify the concerns of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) before Congress. The seminar brings together passionate advocates, including people with disabilities, experts, and professionals in the field, to learn about key issues and advance the grassroots movement for people with IDD.
Your presence will help us establish allies on Capitol Hill and press for progress on critical disability rights issues that make life in the community possible for people with IDD.
The Disability Policy Seminar is packed with informative sessions featuring experts in the field and offers opportunities to discuss key issues with others from your state. The event culminates with the attendees converging on Capitol Hill to speak directly to their members of Congress about the high-priority issues that affect people with disabilities, their families, and supporters.