UDL On Campus
This web page is a collection of resources intended for faculty, instructional designers, policy makers, administrators, and others who work in postsecondary institutions. "The purpose of this site is to offer an understanding of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in higher education." The site includes the following four sections: UDL in Higher Ed, Course Design, Media and Materials, and Accessibility and Policy. "Each section provides resources about addressing learner variability at the postsecondary level in an effort to improve learning opportunities, retention, and outcomes." The resources include sections provide information on what the resource is about, why is it important for higher education, the UDL connection, examples, and more.
A few key pages are highlighted below:
Web conferencing: This resource highlights the ways in which the use of web conferencing, live streaming and webinar platforms to broadcast content can enhance the learning experience when designed using the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework.
Accessibility and Open Educational Resources (OER): This resource provides examples, key factors and resources about accessibility of OERs.
Creating Accessible OERs: This resource provides definitions, examples of best practices and accessibility resources for creating OERs.
Supporting Executive Function in Online Environments: This resource provides a brief definition of executive functioning, a video example and strategies for supporting executive functioning in online environments.
Using Images: This resource describes how images can be used effectively to communicate information and addresses how to make images fully accessible.
Using Video: This resource highlights the value of using video as part of instructional design and addresses how to make video fully accessible.