Accessible Instruction for Deaf College Students During COVID-19 and Beyond

This video from the National Deaf Center (NDC) highlights best practices for providing accessible instruction to deaf college students during Covid-19 and after the pandemic. In the video, three educators share their insights on how to support deaf student success, including changes they made due to Covid-19 and lessons they have learned. Inclusive teaching practices, student engagement, and effective communication are emphasized. Captioning, challenges during Covid-19, teamwork, working with interpreters, universal design, and other topics are also highlighted. The video recording runs 55:42 minutes in length.

About this Resource

Date Issued
October 27th, 2020


Accessibility Feature
Accessibility Hazard
Accessibility Control
Access Mode
Access Mode Sufficient


Date Of Record Release
May 5th, 2023 at 12:47pm (W3C-DTF)
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