
Access/Accommodations -- Inclusive workspaces


This tip sheet, provided by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, provides guidelines for creating workplace accommodations for individuals with physical disabilities. In particular, the tips focus on making the workplace, workspace, and technology accessible. The tip sheet also offers links to additional resources on accommodations in...
This tip sheet, provided by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, discusses workplace communication and safety for employees with physical disabilities. The guidelines offered cover topics such as engaging in respectful and accessible communication, and how to ensure the safety of people with physical disabilities through preparedness...
This tip sheet, provided by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, provides "strategies for communicating with people who are blind or have low vision." Strategies for one-on-one conversations; group communications and meetings; and telephone or video conference meetings are highlighted. 
This tip sheet, provided by DeafTEC at the Rochester Institute of Technology, provides strategies for communicating with deaf and hard-of-hearing employees and students. Strategies for one-on-one conversations, group communications, and telephone or video conference meetings are highlighted. 
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